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Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Gamelan Towards Creative Industry

Art from Javanese gamelan good, Sundanese, Balinese, Buginese or others for [the era of globalization there is the potential towards the creative industry, because in its development of music in western music is now being turned to the eastern region, including Indonesia.
Teacher of Indonesian arts institutes song (content) Surakarta prof dr. Supanggah Rahayu said it was in the seminar "gong kebyar growth and development" held by department faculty musicians performing arts on the campus of the contents of Surakarta solo kentingan Saturday last week.

"Once music western music has dieksploitas so strong, but now it no longer and switch eastern cultures including Indonesia. For that gamelan is potential towards the creative industries, "he said.
The trend of globalization is not only seen as ancaman.tetapi in fact also opens up great opportunities for the development of gamelan music, because today many ogled by the western world.
Gamelan western world are not only used as inspiration to develop western music, but also siajarkan in prisons such as english english. "Through this gamelan people can menghikangkan brutal nature, increase creativity, foster cooperation principle = principle, this gamelan has now become a multi-use," he said.
In modern times like now initradisi be important, to search for identity, for it does not mengherankankalau western musicians in the search for identity that many turn to the eastern culture that is still original.
Gamelan are now scattered everywhere, like in the United States there are more 500pernagkat gamelan, in English, Japanese gamelan there are about 100 devices, in Australia, Germany, peracis, even as sHere that every primary school singapore hampor all have a gamelan .
Therefore, students who pursue this field in the ground water should be melakukuannya seriously, so as not to miss with other nations who are also studying the gamelan,

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6. Concept Art Technology
The growth of knowledge development is significantly able to adopt a variety of application of knowledge to the emergence of one branch of knowledge baru.Salah reform in knowledge related to the emergence of a branch of art is art associated with the use of advanced tools.
Branch of the art knowledge related to the use of technology is the emergence of a branch of art, like acting (khususnys soap operas), documentation (cinema), audio-visual (keproduseran) and others. Forum for the assessment of knowledge in fields related to the use of advanced tools such claim raises the role of knowledge in the arts and adaptations. The emergence of technology oriented branch of art be a sign that the vehicle for the development of art and knowledge of art in connection with an insight into the technology capable of adapting to new knowledge as a vessel for pouring the talents of art associated with the use of advanced tools.
Art as a methodology to introduce someone to understand the object into the problems associated with the work of art and socializing. With imagination, someone who learned the art can daydream, especially in discovering new things, creating new things, and memodivikasi existing findings into new forms as a representation of something that has long existed.
The branches of the arts as mentioned above is the basic strength of a very effective way to bring inspiration to many people. Imagination of someone who learned the arts can be developed more widely with improving and developing the language of motion, visual, sound, and sound to continue to grow and develop according to reputation level and body language, the language of motion, and the language of sound combined with a psychological approach.Arts activities that wrapped up in making art in the form of artwork associated with the reflection of ideas, and actions associated with continuous process.
Arts activities involving some aspect of multilingual, multicultural and multidimensional able to reach out widely over a few things ie.

1. Setting up a parallel education,
2. Develop knowledge of different cultures
3. Providing community values, cultural Introduce the world of education, as well,
4. Helping educators and educated to develop multicultural perspectives.
In particular realm, the concept of entrepreneurship into the basic concept of the development of writing this book. For study materials, answers to bridge the birth of the integral development of entrepreneurship education into the professional model. This model is used in education to print professional-quality dancers, have the competence, have the ability to account for his professionalism both in public as well as d the scope of formal education possessed.
Professional model of education as a tool carrier in it has a direction indicator that can be competent performers against the creation of art and a set of expertise in the styles, techniques, and methodologies that can be used as an approach to expertise that is applied. Professional concept is equipped with a bandaged idea creative work, programmed schedule, and the casting process that is based on professionalism so that the experience in the future become more honed. The emphasis of self-employment and follow a structured creative professionals to be ability to become increasingly rests on a solid foundation and adequate. Thus the process of going forward simulation conical and capable of having someone who studied with professionals to create entrepreneurial concept clearly. Here the required forging a foundation of professional base which is expected to meet the needs of a professional to be tough in entrepreneurship and the potential for the challenges of the future. Thus, this concept vehicle should be used to forge professional seeds leads to a path that has been set or rules that can not be negotiable. Some professionals in the form of skills indicators are as follows below.

1. Emphasizing the product / outcome,
2. Knowledge of professionalism into creating the desired model,
3. Objectivity and the practice became honed inner experiences,
4. The style of delivery and professional engineering became a symbol of professional concepts,
5. Imitative procedures, training, demonstrations, and show creativity symbol of professionalism,
6. Abilities, skills, and become the character and appearance characteristics of professionals capable of developing self-concept, and grouped colonies.
7. Characteristics proceed in producing quality products are a symbol of self-maturation and forging mentalita experience honed in the performance of the coveted professionalism.
8. Professionalism is fostered include professional actors, artists and choreographers.
That was a glimpse my explanation about the art that hopefully will be able to add insight on the art of friends. "Be of good artists, good artists do not need alcohol to get inspiration."
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5. Crafts
Branch of art is basically prioritizes the hand skills in the form of handicrafts items. This craft includes elements of embroidery, lace, folding art, decorative arts, and art that emphasizes hand skill. Arts and other knowledge can be understood and acknowledged by the reader in developing the personality and diversity. In a living will was bland and dry if we do not have art. Art can narrow the cultural aspects and broaden one's horizons and the diversity of knowledge. The actual art that there are tangible music, arts, theater, and dance in a multilingual, multicultural, and multidimensional.
At the end of this review can be accumulated, which branch of art that you enjoy doing most. Try to give an example of one branch of art the most you like in the form of art that once you have created or you recognize.

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4. Dance
Media said the dance is motion. Dance movement is a movement that refined and given aesthetic elements. Movement in dance serves as a medium to communicate the intentions of certain of the choreographer. The beauty of dance lies in the form of satisfaction, happiness, both of choreographers, visual aids and audience or spectators.
Basic competence in learning the art of dance includes the practice of the basic and proficient in the mastery of dance movement include traditional dance and dance filmed, the ability to understand the direction and purpose choreographer in the concept of group choreography. The ability to understand the work of dance (choreography) is a special skill associated with sensitivity of choreography, on the other hand are expected to have a sensitivity to understand the aspects of dance and technical aspects of beauty. As the adjustment of the modern age, the ability to understand and create multimedia devices to do with dance is a form of adjustment of the adaptation of human resources with technology. Embodiment of cultural expression through movement inspired by and be bound cultural values become the basis of a benchmark or standard to be studied to measure dance dance form regions in Indonesia. As one of the most important elements in the Indonesian art in the form of motion performance requires the existence of social and spiritual life of the community supporters. The role and function of dance was so important until now at the peak of the area has become a symbol of art and dance as a cultural peak in the regions concerned. This type of dance that has become a top regional culture very closely to serve as an underdog daerah.di dance where the dance originated.
A wide assortment of dances that were inherited local communities in Indonesia, both the sacred and the secular, traditional or nontraditional. Forms of dance from prehistoric times to modern times, the product of a particular era dance to help the history of life can be for growing up until the end of the dance requires zaman.Seni motion media. Pure motion or Wantah not have specific purposes. Meaningful movement has meaning certain purposes and if built with elements of beauty, then dance the more subtle movements, aesthetic, and its motion has a building that expressed the human form of expression for dinikmati.Seni dance heavily influenced by the dynamism and animist beliefs. Therefore, since ancient times dance has had a central role in the function of religious life. The role of dance in the ceremonies related to the manner and purpose associated with them in a ceremonial procession or ritual keagamanaan. Bequeath dance forms and traditions nontradisi. Nature-magical-ritual functions which are influenced animistic belief dynamism capable of being a central force in every religious ceremony. In its development, the art of traditional dance in the end inherit new and innovative performing arts through dramatari Prembun, to the ballet this type of art that was born in modern times. In this dynamic modern society, the presence of dance requires the presence of good dancers, dance teachers are professionals, and thinkers who are able to formulate the future of dance in proportion. Therefore, several things must be considered involves the mastery of dance technique to meet the requirement as a professional dancer.
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3. Theatre Arts
Basic competence in art theaters include the ability to understand and work the theater, the ability to understand and create the script, the ability to understand a role in the field of casting the ability to understand and make setting the stage performances or good engineering and the creation of the atmosphere as an enhancement in charge of theater arts.
On the other hand, the ability to understand to play outside of himself is a special mastery that must be mastered technically in a working theater. Ability to understand and create infrastructure and facilities-based multimedia equipment is the actual approach to master a playwright in relation to the presentation of technology-based theater. Theater arts as well as an integral part of art has the media said the voice in the form of acting out. The way this technique more major or the creation of casting, carriage, diction, intonation, setting consistently larynx and pharynx is an important part of the incarnation profession that must be possessed.
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2. Music Arts
The element of sound is the main element of art music. Another element in the form of harmony, melody and music notation is a form of means of being taught. Media art is a vocal and instrumental music. Character musical instrument can be shaped Western musical instruments and musical instruments Nusantara / traditional. This type of traditional musical instruments, among others, consists of flute, xylophone kromong, Gamelan, Angklung, tambourine, harp, and kolintang and arumba. Types of Western musical instruments, among others, consist of piano, guitar, flute, drums, electronic music, sintetiserr, seksopon, and trumpet.
Basic competencies to be achieved in studying the art of music includes the ability to understand and create music, music knowledge includes an understanding of harmony, melody and musical notation and musical intelligence that enables one to adapt to rapid music device. On the other hand, the ability to understand and make a notation, arranging capabilities, as well as basic and advanced practice in a lot of tools or instruments skillfully, and the ability to understand and create multimedia. Art music that further promote the basic elements of sound as a medium has more music on the sound of a regular proportion, rhythmic sounds, and blend the sound that leads to the experimental sound literally without rhythm, melody and harmony. Art music in many developing societies that have a flow of classical, expressionist, experimentalists, and fluonsis by charting the development of music through the sounds that are not rhythmic and pitched. Art music for growing up since the Renaissance until the millennium. The progressive flow of music that developed at this time more toward music that has a tonnage, intervals, and harmony in a variant.
Art music is more transparent in their work. Sound as the media said to be one means of communication within internalize the meaning of sound into the quantum translation of the mind aranjer (music arranger) to the audience. Therefore, it takes a meaning articulation arrangement of music for the way the delivery of the importance of music to be understood by the audience. Thus the meaning of the arrangement of music more easily understood, understood and become the media of communication between music arranger received by the music.
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Macam Macam Arts

1. Fine arts
Fine art is one branch of art. Fine art has a definite and permanent form ie using visual elements as one manifestation of which is classified into the form of drawings, paintings, sculptures, graphics, crafts, craft, and multimedia.
Basic competencies to be achieved include the fine arts is the ability to understand and works of painting, the ability to understand and make the statue, the ability to understand and creating graphics, the ability to understand and make crafts, as well as the ability to understand and work or creating multimedia tools. The terminology in the basic skills has been defined as someone who could master the field of kerupawanan.
Art has taken hold from the time of animism and dynamism to melenium era. Arts became one of the branches of a performative art form presenting visible. Illusion of form can be absorbed and felt into the shape classification as noted at the top. Representation of visual art forms considered in synergy through the media event that is used as the basis for the realization of a way. Contextual art is a form of mediation that shape the visible near to the symbol image, painting, sculpture, crafts and multimedia craft. associated with the element of art branch.
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Articles About Macam - Macam Art:

In these days the art was very influential on the development of science and technology. We can not be separated from the name of art, life without art we would not be beautiful, because art is supporting the establishment of beauty. For example, the house, without any sense of beauty, then the house in which we live today will newfangled old-fashioned. Likewise with technology that is currently developing, must be supported by the art. Examples are motors, motor ancient times with which now must have a different model. Surely that is better than the first. berikutu ni is the kind of kind of art which I will explain in general: Read Full Article...

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Action Rallies on Jalan Diponegoro colored Clash

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 17:09 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Clashes between the police again cracked demontran on Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat, exactly in front of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Wednesday (20/10).
Dozens demontran Family Alliance University of Bung Karno, BSI, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, STIMIK, and a number of other elements that hold a tire burning action, fight back when police wanted to dismantle.
The protesters take the fight by throwing rocks at officers. Feeling pressured, the police issued a warning shot, no doubt the masses scattered in different directions. There is the Way of Chemistry, Jalan Borobudur and several roads in the vicinity.
Until this story was written, the atmosphere around the site is still tense. Vehicle road users also can not cross into Dipenogoro Road. Police then divert the flow of traffic to Chemical Road and Jalan Borobudur.
Meanwhile, hundreds of police began to stand a few hundred yards in front of student demonstrators. Motorized police barricades and police trucks stand by to cover the road to dispel students. Bertameng police looked on guard at the back of police vehicles.
Up at 16.30 hrs, Jalan Diponegoro block action continues. The police also kept on alert. Due to road closure, a number of vehicles that would go toward Matraman or Cikini experiencing severe congestion. Though traffic has been diverted from the direction of HI rotate through Cikini.
While Kapolsek Menteng, Kompol Arsdo, the time of the incident was calming atmosphere, yet would comment. "Later well," he said briefly. (Ant)
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At age 160 Years, Still Able Muin hoe Four Hour Day

Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:54 pm
Waykanan, Lampung (AFP)
In addition to still be able to dig four hours a day, at the age of very old, Muin (160), still good at reading the Holy Koran verse without the use of eyeglasses each pilgrimage after praying five times.
Men born in Rangkasbitung, Banten in 1850 who likes humor and was always called Aki Muin said, life is beautiful if healthy, if they were sick so not beautiful, but there are still lessons to be grateful.
"I eat like a goat` alias `vegetables from the garden alone, never buy, and that comes from living things such as meat or eggs I avoid. Maybe that's what makes the eyes still look out for reading the Quran after the obligatory prayer activities," he said, in Blambanganumpu, located about 200 km from the town of Bandarlampung, Friday.
He further said that, in processing of agricultural commodities and hers like coffee, eggplant, long beans, chili and rice, he did not use chemical fertilizers.
"I never use chemical fertilizers, utilizing the natural means, such as leaves or rice straw. As for working in gardens or fields, I usually start at 6 am, and regular hoeing around 4 hours a day, already know` so many `old-fashioned tired, "he said, showing off his teeth are gone.
He also admitted, in 2008 he even was able to climb tall palm tree about 10 yards he had to tap palm wine.
"Before the fall two years ago, I was still able to climb the palm tree, but now can no longer, my back was broken, so bent like this," he said.
Related to the Dutch and Japanese colonial history he says, live in the era of occupation sakura country more difficult than when the army controlled the land windmill Indonesia.
"The Japanese Period clothing is hard, I just use the skin of the tree as cover aurat objects, such as gloves or kebaya, but quite warm. But when the Dutch colonial era quite easily, the price of cigarettes 3 cents to 20 cigarettes," he said.
Next he said he also had joined the army voluntarily and paid 25 silver each month, but after the war of independence chose to become an ordinary person because he wanted to be free.
"I was married 13 times, but all 12 are early divorce, was married last with my wife in 1973," he said.
Maniah (64), the last wife Aki Muin, say, a beloved husband also rarely slept.
"Even Aki had not eaten rice for 3 years, in addition to that, too, got up for dawn prayers on average at four in the morning, bathing, prayers and ended the Koran," he said.
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There is a possibility of an explosive eruption of Mount Merapi

Saturday, October 23, 2010 5:51 pm
Yogyakarta, (AFP)
The Center for Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Surono states is possible eruption of Mount Merapi this time of explosive and spread in all directions.
"It was during this tendency is to form a dome of Mount Merapi and after that the dome carried along with a blast of heat clouds, but from historical explosive eruptions have also occurred and did not form a dome first," said Surono in Yogyakarta, on Friday night.
Met on the sidelines of the opening "Merapi Volcano Expo 2010" in the Office of Investigation and Technology Development Center Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyarkarta, he said, in 1930 and 1931 explosive eruption of Mount Merapi and the radius of the eruption could reach more than 15 kilometers.
"Even for a rain of ash in explosive eruptions reached Madura and Malang, East Java," he said.
He said the current pattern of volcanic activity is different from the pattern of tooth eruption in 2006 both in terms of volcanic seismicity as well as from the mark-strong body which is also very fast mount.
"The pattern is indeed there are similarities with the 1931 eruption is rapid increase in activity and strength of a larger volcanic earthquakes," he said.
Surono said, but this is only an estimate scenario for what will happen with the eruption of Mount Merapi, no one can predict, including the time and amount of material.
"For example the eruption of Mount Kelud in Kediri, East Java in 2007, when it was so strong seismicity and large similar to an explosive eruption in 1990, reaching a radius of 10 kilometers. Once in a radius of 10 kilometers of security we did was in 2007 a small eruption only once and only form a dome, "he said.
He said that if Merapi volcano will soon erupt in the near future it can not be sure.
"What is clear Merapi will never break a promise, after the increased activity usually ends with an eruption that can be shaped dome and pyroclastic avalanches or explosive eruption, they only know of Merapi," he said.
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Mentawai Earthquake Tremors Felt Up Padang

Monday, October 25, 2010 22:10 pm
Padang, (AFP)
An earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale (SR) that shook the Mentawai on Monday (25/10) seemed to Padang, West Sumatra. However, Reuters reporter Agus Wahyu, reported power was not too big shocks.
But so far not known damage or casualties from the turmoil which occurred at 21:42 pm it. Panic residents are also not so visible since the middle of the city of Padang rain.
The quake centered 78 miles south Mentawai Pagai has the potential tsunami. BMKG recorded depth of the quake only 10 kilometers. Residents asked to be alert.
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Professor of UI: Doctors & Patients Indonesia Vs How Bourgeois Proletariat

Saturday, October 23, 2010 11:17 pm
urabaya (AFP)
Health services in Indonesia, like the phenomenon of "David versus Goliath" with patients as doctors like David and Goliath.
"David versus Goliath, the phenomenon of the small against the huge, proletarian versus bourgeoisie that never existed temunya point," said Prof Dr Herkutanto SH, LLM, professor of stay at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI), at Surabaya, East Java, Saturday .
In this phenomenon, patients and physicians to put forward the conflict and mistrust. "The truth of an event often ignored," said the expert witness cases versus RS Pritchard the Omni International.
Supposedly, he added, patients believe that doctors will work for the interests of patients, while physicians believe that patient faith cooperate.
He admitted many people are skeptical of the patient's relationship with a doctor like that. "This is what lead to the dilution of the ideal relationship between patient and physician," he said at the workshop Role of Partnership In Physician and Patient Relations For the Mass Media.
For that, he suggested, needed an effective communication between doctors and patients to avoid suspicion. "If patients are not able to communicate, talk with his family," he said.
Herkutanto argued that Law No. 29 of 2004 on Medical Practice principled provide protection to the public.
"If there is a violation of the principles that there are agencies that handle it themselves," said Chairman of the Disciplinary Panel of the Medical Officer of DKI Jakarta.
At the national level, the Medical Council of Indonesia (KKI) has an independent agency of the Honorary Board and the Discipline of Medicine, Indonesia (MKDKI). "MKDKI This is the main instrument for the protection of medical workers who are not professional," said Herkutanto.
MKDKI only handle public complaints against medical practice by doctors holder of Certificate of Registration (STR) issued KKI.
Every doctor who runs the action and medical practice must have a STR and license practices. Until now, KKI has issued at least 126 thousand STR.
"Not all scholars have graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, STR and SIP. For people who take action and medical practice without a completed STR and SIP may be subject to punishment for five years in prison and a fine of Rp300 million as stipulated in Law No. 29/2004," she said. (Ant)
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Jemaah Haji suggested Never Sedekahi Beggars in Mecca

Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:02 pm
Mecca (AFP)
The prohibition to not give or serve the beggar has spent big mufti of Mecca. Advised pilgrims not to serve the beggars who started ahead of the peak flood Mecca pilgrimage.
Usually, during the peak Hajj, the beggars meet the entire road to the Grand Mosque. Today only a few beggars already occupying the area along the road between Cat and the Haram Mosque.
"If the Grand Mufti of Mecca has been appealed to the congregation not to give compensation to the beggars, pilgrims Indonesia also needs to pay attention," said Head of Employment Makkah Region, Cepi Supriatna.
"Arabnews", Friday (22/10), reported also that the Grand Mufti of Mecca had also urged the congregation not to give compensation to the beggars.
Antipoverty Police Traffic Division also began to raid their Mecca. "Last night, many of them were transported by police," said Khatibul Umam, pilgrim officer in the Special Sector, the sector that handles the congregation astray, which is based around 200 meters from Haram Marwah Gate.
Aisha, a beggar from Somalia was quoted as saying "Arabnews" Friday, said many beggars from Jeddah and towns around Mecca began to arrive in Mecca."Come early to choose a strategic location outside and near the Grand Mosque," said Aisha.
According to Aisha, they come not just as individuals to beg. They have been deployed for the purpose of obtaining money as much as possible. In the evening, they gathered. Later, Aisha said, "Sharing the proceeds of begging among their members, then split up again." Later, they will leave Mecca together.
The beggars in Mecca, could speak Indonesian word or two words. The beggar on Jabal Nur, for example, they are diligent greet pilgrims from Indonesia, which will go to the Cave of Hira. "Haji, hajia" Indonesi baguuusss. Indonesi riyals .. one .. poor ... one riyal, "they shouted, holding out his hand to reach the hands of the congregation.
Some have warned that the current issue of potential riyals, other beggars would be the spirit of asking, "If you do not want to give, they can withdraw the goods that exist in our bodies," said a committee of pilgrimage. (Ant)
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Film 2 More Horror Paranormal Activity

Sunday, October 24, 2010 12:34 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Advanced film, especially horror, many are not as successful as his first film. The story is sometimes too "forced" and not seseram first film.
The situation is not applicable to Paranormal Activity 2. Claudia Puig of USA TODAY writes that horror movies are even more terrified than the first.
Thriller about an evil spirit, according to USA TODAY may make the audience really scared and screaming.
In Paranormal Activity 2, the supernatural forces that landed on Kristi (Sprague Grayden), her husband, Daniel (Brian Boland), their teenage son Ali (Molly Ephraim), Hunter's baby, nanny, Martine (Vivis), and their German shepherd, Abby . Kristi is the sister Katie, a character in the first film.
If the first film only need 2 to the main character, the husband-wife, Paranormal Activity 2 presents a complete family with baby sitter and their dogs.
If in the first film used was "handycam" the husband, in this film is another CCTV camera mounted on a house that has six rooms on the outskirts of Ohio.
Terror from the film by Tod Williams was awake nonstop from something disturbing and creepy but could not be explained.
Strange happenings and scary in a house that had been typical horror movie, the flame lights-out themselves, doors opening and closing their own, then things started to disrupt.
In scenarios Michael R. Perry, objects house looks scary. Baby monitors so disturbing, pots and pans as threatening and the swimming pool filter hose seemed so possessed serpent demon.
Just like its predecessor film, a scene captured by a strange sequence of events on the night. Now, the evil spirit in the film after the baby.
Paranormal Activity 2 still take advantage of our fear of the night. The plot of this movie is a prequel of Paranormal Activity-made in 2009.
Filming was also done with a handheld like the first film. The difference is, if the first film produced by indie and spent only 15 thousand dollars, the latest film it had a budget of millions of dollars.
Budget for it is used for computer graphics and generate an atmosphere and spooky sounds increasingly sinister as the sound of pounding, slamming doors, and strange tones of toys for children.
"This film is not like Blair Witch 2, which was just great fanfare its publication. Anyway, after watching this movie, you will not be relaxed again when opening the closet door," writes USA TODAY. (Ant)
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Garlic Oil Can Prevent Heart Disease

Friday, October 22, 2010 20:48 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
The new research found that garlic oil can prevent cardiomyopathy, and can help prevent heart disease. Cardiomyopathy is a type of heart disease is responsible for the deaths due to diabetes.
The study was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, "as quoted from Natural News.
Previous studies have shown garlic supports cardiovascular health. However, new research reveals in particular how the plant tubers help diabetics with cardiomyopathy.
Wei-Wen Kuo and colleagues at the university fed diabetic rats with corn oil and garlic oil.
They observed that rodent health condition in connection with the two treatments. They found that garlic increase antioxidant enzyme, reducing heart inflammation and stop the death of cells. Also preserve the integrity of cardiac tissue is very important. "Garlic oil has the potential to keep the heart from diabetes causes of cardiomyopathy," the researchers said.
They assert more than 20 compounds in garlic oil treatment benefits, including allicin, an organosulfur compound.
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Researcher LIPI: Indonesian Must Have "Blue Water Navy"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 23:03 pm
Makassar (AFP)
As the nation's largest archipelago, Indonesia is considered necessary to have a strong navy. For that Indonesia needs to have to increase the ability of naval fleet of "Green Water Navi" to "Blue Water Navy."
"To improve the navy to Blue Water Navy, Indonesia must have a minimum fleet of destroyers or destroyer," researchers said Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Prof. Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, in Makassar, Wednesday (20/10).
Indonesia is currently only able to have a Green Water Navy or naval Fregate class to strengthen the navy. According to him, this fregate fleet is four levels below the carrier, or are in the final sequence after the Aircraft Carrier, Cruiser and Destroyer.
With naval Green Water Navy, Indonesian Navy was only able to maintain Indonesia's marine area only. "When compared with the number of newly developing countries like India and China, each has had a strategic plan to have four aircraft carriers," he said.
In 2011, India even already have two aircraft carriers, while China as much as one unit. "Although China and India is not an island nation, but the country still strengthen maritime fleet," he explained.
Increased naval This is a must do to confront global architecture changes after the Cold War, one of which in terms of military perspective. (Ant)
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Events Calendar'll fix Medical Education System

Sunday, October 24, 2010 3:03 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Director General Djoko Santoso said Higher Education, Ministry of National Education will fix the medical education system in Indonesia to conduct standardization in the field.
"As many as 70 institutions of medical education (IPD) do not have the same competency standards. Of the total of 16 IPD obtain accreditation rating of A, as many as 18 accredited B, and the rest of C. Even there are still in the process of accreditation as schools of medicine at the university still new, "he said after signing the contract Grant Program Competencies between colleges with Directorate General of Higher Kemdndiknas here on Saturday.
The signing of grant contracts obtained competency positive response from the Head of Health Human Resource Development and Empowerment Kemenkes Bambang Giatno R. MPH.
"Actually, already since 3 years ago there was a mechanism called the Indonesian Doctors Competency Test (UKDI) to be executed graduate of the Faculty of Medicine. Still grant program with the Directorate General of Higher competition can further accelerate the increase in the quality of Indonesian doctors," said Giatno.
Program funded by the World Bank loan is done with three schemes ie schemes A, B and C. Scheme A, an educational institution doctor (IPD) which has been accredited A should increase the internationalization of higher quality.
Scheme B, C or accredited IPD is not yet accredited must improve its quality. Scheme C, IPD accredited B must increase its accreditation to a warning that much higher.
Under the scheme grants competition, from 69 proposals IPD, IPD 42 selected those who should receive grants. As many as 10 incoming IPD scheme category A, 20 IPD for B and 12 IPD scheme to scheme C.
Recipients of the grants program competition that is improving the quality of medical education as much as 20 accredited schools of medicine with the rank C, 12 medical school accreditation ratings premises B and only 10 accredited schools of medicine with the rank of A.
"The fact that propulsive DGHE doctor tried to fix the education system by using the model of mentoring. Institutions of medical education which have been regarded as" well established ", the IPD will be the builder for the weak," said Director General of Higher Education.
Meanwhile, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran in Bandung Tri Hanggono Achmad hoped grant program that will expire in 2014 was followed by an increase in the ability of Indonesian doctors in medical science and technology to master the development of an advanced rapidly.
In line with Hanggono, Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association says doctors Prijo Sidipratomo Indonesia should be able to follow the times so there must be the same standards and competency of all medical faculties in Indonesia.
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iPhone 4 Wrapped So Rare Diamonds in the World's Most Expensive Mobile phones

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:57 pm(
London (AFP)
The sophistication wrapped in luxury mobile phone makes the iPhone a 4 wrapped with more than 500 diamonds intersect perfectly with the levels of 100 carats as the world's most expensive mobile phone. The price makes stunned, iphone 4 wrapped in diamonds is priced at 5 million pounds (about Rp71 billion).
The phone is adorned with a single piece of 7.4-carat pink diamond and rare pieces of eight-carat diamond valued at 4 million pounds all. The back of the phone is gold plated and the Apple logo with 53 sparkling diamonds. The phone is also equipped with a protective box, which is made from a single piece of pink granite rocks typical of the kingdom, as well as coated grain Nubuck leather.
Mobile phones are the diamond-clad iPhone 4 ordered by a wealthy businessman from Australia. A British designer Stuart Hughes, 38, from Liverpool was assigned to make a phone order is the billionaire. "This is a great challenge and I was really pleased with the outcome. The cell phone looks great," he said.
Hughes said, the phone is worth a fortune because berilan wrapped in a very rare and hard to find. "Such stones usually have a long history.
"It's amazing that someone could spend 5 million pounds for the phone. I doubt the phone is used because it is worth so much money. It would be a disaster if the phone is lost," he continued.
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BMKG: Hello Sun Not Related to the Earthquake & Tsunami

Friday, October 22, 2010 11:16 pm(
Jambi, (AFP)
Natural phenomena solar halo that appear in the sky above the city of Padang on Thursday (21/10) which will inform the earthquake and tsunami is misleading information.
BMKG head of Jambi province, Remus L Tobing in Jambi, on Friday (22/10), said information that would indicate the emergence of solar halo of the earthquake did not just make people restless city of Padang, but also citizens of the Kerinci regency, Jambi Province.
"The information was panicking residents of Padang and Kerinci regency, which is the fault earthquake prone areas in Jambi Province," he said.
He mentioned, when an earthquake happens in Kerinci, Padang and Bengkulu City community would feel, and vice versa, because the three area is a region prone to earthquake fault.
Responding to the sun's halo, Remus said L Tobing, absolutely nothing to do with the will of the earthquake, so as not to be feared. He explained that the emergence of the rainbow and the halo is the result of the expanding water molecule or scattered in the air blocking the sun bias.
Hello sun was in the air there is no connection whatsoever to the movement that occurred in the bowels of the earth, like earthquake and Tsunami. The quake could only be detected when it occurs through the tool, and the tsunami can be known if there is shrinkage of sea water, or dry river.
"For that people, especially those arriving in Kerinci district was asked to not believe in that information, and stay cool to run their daily activities," Remus said L Tobing. (Ant)U.S.
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Members of the Parliament sweeping mass BK to Greece at the Airport

Saturday, October 23, 2010 19:06 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Honorary Board member of the House of Representatives departure to Greece in order to study the appeal, colored and rallies that took place in Terminal II, Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Saturday (23/10) afternoon.
Dozens of people intend to do a sweeping alliance to members who want to go BK comparative study of Greece.
Had been a police officer quarrels between the airport by demonstrators. Because according to airport police chief, Senior Commissioner Pol Tornagogo SIH in accordance with the law in 2009 at the airport there should be no demonstrations.
Although already waited some time, effort sweefing else in the undo. The reason is, until some time no one found a member of BK at the airport. Finally the mass was disbanded.
Earlier departure plan members are already reaping BK controversy. But BK persisted depart to Greece. Comparative studies to the Greek Parliament is spending budget of Rp 2.2 billion.
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Flood Flood Hundreds of Houses for Residents in Tangerang

Sunday, October 24, 2010 20:05 pmFlood
Jakarta (AFP).
Flood struck the city of Tangerang, Banten. Flood came from the Bogor region due to overflow of river Sabi.
Hundreds of homes in the Housing Sub Total Persada flooded pot reaches eighty centimeters.
This flood did not make the people fled to other places. Residents prefer to stay at home while waiting for the water receded back.
Fahmi, pot Residents said one of the causes of flooding due to the location that had been used as water reservoirs used as housing, citizens expect the government to act quickly to address them because of the rainy season has arrived.
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Licensing & Registration Locations Around October 22, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010 8:37 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
If you want to extend the Driving License (SIM) and Certificate of Vehicle Number (vehicle registration), Friday (22/10), you can look at the following locations.
Central JakartaSIM: Thamrin CityVehicle registration: New Market Police Station
North JakartaSIM: Mega Mall PluitVehicle registration: Police Station Three Bridges
South JakartaSIM: Ragunan ZooVehicle registration: page Station Western Cape
West JakartaSIM: LTC GlodokVehicle registration: LTC Glodok
East JakartaSIM: Honda Jl. Dewi SartikaVehicle registration: Market Master Jati Kramat
Traffic Management Center reported by the Jakarta Police, the service only to extend the Mobile SIM SIM A and SIM C. If you want to create a new SIM or if the period of validity of the SIM out more than a year, then the rider must take care to SIM Satpas at KM 11 Jalan Daan Mogot Cengkareng.
Mobile vehicle registration services are also only to extend the vehicle registration every year, not the endorsement or approval expired vehicle registration of 5 years or changes in other vehicles.
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Metro Police Incident Form TPF UBK Student Shot

Thursday, October 21, 2010 11:50 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Greater Jakarta Metro Regional Police formed a Fact Finding Team related incidents Bung Karno University students, Farel Restu who allegedly shot the officer's firearm.
"Fact-finding team that investigated the extent to which the officer acted and students commit crimes," said the Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner of Police Amar Joey Boy in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10).
Boy claim, fact-finding team (TPF) Polda Metro Jaya has also examined eight police officers and several protesters. TPF Polda Metro Jaya focused examination of police officers who perform security by using firearms.
Boy said, the officer who fired a joint police patrols in the jurisdiction of the Central Jakarta Metro Police in charge of securing the action on Jalan Diponegoro.
He explained that the shooting incident began when officers tried to thwart the actions of students and activists of the Democratic People's Fortress (Flag) who want to block Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat by burning tires and posters. However, students and activists take the fight by hitting one of the officers named Adjunct Commissioner of Police Suraji.
Police officers beaten trying to secure the perpetrator, but the more anarchist protesters do throwing the stones and bamboo. Joint patrol officers from Polsek in Central Jakarta has issued two revolver shots upstairs to disperse demonstrators.
Boy affirm the actions of the officers opened fire because the situation was appropriate procedures in accordance escalation of protests occur Police Regulation Number 16 Year 2006 about the Mass Control.
Previously, a number of elements of the community and student protest action at several locations in the area of Jakarta, to mark the one year reign, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, right Boediono October 20, 2010. (Ant)
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Three Supporters Persib kills fell from a train

Saturday, October 23, 2010 21:45 pm
Purwakarta (AFP)
Three supporters "bobotoh" Persib died from falling from the train at three places in the Purwakarta, West Java, when they want to watch the match Persib in Bandung, Saturday (23/10) afternoon.
Police named the dead third mengindentivikasi Irvan (15) residents of Bekasi, Hurricane (22) residents Cikampek, and Bayu (16) citizens of Purwakarta.
"In addition to deaths, also there are five people were injured, and now they are treated in hospitals Bayu Asih Purwakarta," said Kanitlaka Purwakarta district police, Ipda Heri Nurcahyo,.
Mentioned they fell from the train KRD a host, in three places namely at Simpang, Cilalawi and in Plered.
The victims along with a thousand "botoh" Persib other KRD rollicking ride to watch the match squad kesayanganya Persib against PSM Makassar, Bandung.
According to Heri, their original order after the officer tried to prohibit sitting on the train. But the train just drove tens of meters, most of their rollicking ride on the train, and the accident was unavoidable.
Four people fell because the cable struck at the crossing Simpang, tidah from Purwakarta station, and they sustained injuries.
Similar incidents occurred in areas Cilalawi, left two people dead shortly after arrival at the RSU Bayu Asih. Serorang were killed instantly and one other injured due to hit the bridge in the area Plered, Purwakarta.
"Before leaving, at Purwakarta station, we've tried to forbid them from sitting on the train," said Heri. (Ant)

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Avoid the jams in Jakarta Point This Morning

Monday, May 24, 2010 8:21 pmVIVAnews
Jakarta (AFP)
Starting this week, the traffic situation at Jalan Jakarta continues to increase. Congestion dots began to appear in a number of roads in Jakarta on Monday (24 / 5). Lacar for your trip, it's good enghindari steps of the following roads:
Since at 6:45 pm, the congestion is taking place in the area of Canal Road Gusti Ngurah Rai, a queue of vehicles is taking place in the region since the Coffee Cottage. This is due to bad roads in front of the Grand Prima Officer.
Area Road Swadarma munuju Highway Joglo this morning even relatively immobile. Congestion has occurred since pukl 6:58 pm. Likewise Harmony area toward Tomang. The line of vehicles occurred in the region due to bridge construction Kalibata in Kalibata area, South Jakarta.
While in the region itum Toll Cimanggis toward Cawang queue of vehicles has occurred since km 21. At Toll Cikampek direction Jakarta also experienced similar conditions. Congestion has happened to East Bekasi toll gate.
The traffic in the area of Taman Mini is about to enter the toll road experience density. Toll Tangerang toward Tomang happen queue since km 18. Congestion in the area of Cawang also occur due to bus strike in the area overpass that leads Cawang Toll Jewel. Likewise, Toll Jagorawi experiencing congestion at toll Cibubur leading Cawang area.
Traffic flow at toll Cawang toward Grogol also crept up to Tegal Parang solid and the reverse direction on creep of Tomang toward Slipi. Road users are asked to stay patient and remain in compliance with the rules of driving. Avoid serobot mutual action to avoid accidents that would cause congestion becomes more severe.
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Air Pollution in Jakarta

KabarIndonesia - Air pollution in Jakarta is the worst in Indonesia, to the point that most people in Jakarta gave the nickname "city of pollution" to him. The emergence of the nickname is certainly not without reason at all. The data below can give an idea about the severity of air pollution in Jakarta.
First, on a global scale, Jakarta is a city with the worst pollution level number 3 in the world (after the city in Mexico and Thailand). Second, there is still a global scale, concentration of dust particles (particulate matter) contained in the air in Jakarta was the highest number 9 (ie 104 micrograms per cubic meter) of 111 world cities surveyed by the World Bank in 2004. For comparison, the EU set a number of 50 micrograms per cubic meter as the highest threshold levels of dust particles in the air. Third, the number of days with unhealthy quality in Jakarta has increased from year to year. In 2002, Jakarta declared healthy for 22 days, whereas in 2003, Jakarta declared healthy only for 7 days. Furthermore, according to a study the Air Working Group Environmental Caucus, in 2004 and 2005, the number of days with the worst air quality in Jakarta is far below 50 days. But in 2006, the numbers are actually rising above 51 days. With such conditions, it is not excessive if Jakarta was nicknamed "the city of pollution" because it was so out of the house, residents of Jakarta will immediately be faced with pollution.
The most significant cause of air pollution in Jakarta is the share of motor vehicles accounted for ± 70 percent. This is directly correlated to the ratio between the number of motor vehicles, population and land area of Jakarta. Based on data from the Indonesian Police Commission, the number of registered motor vehicles in Jakarta (not including vehicles owned by military and police) in June 2009 was 9,993,867 vehicles, while the total population of Jakarta in March 2009 was 8,513,385 inhabitants. Comparative data shows that motor vehicles in Jakarta more than its population. Growth in number of vehicles in Jakarta is also very high, reaching 10.9 percent per year. These numbers become very significant because of the availability of road infrastructure in Jakarta was not yet meet the ideal. The length of roads in Jakarta is only about 7650 kilometers with an area of 40.1 square kilometers, or only 6.26 percent of the total area. In fact, the ideal ratio between road infrastructure and the total area is 14 percent. With these conditions are not ideal, can be easily understood if more difficult to overcome traffic congestion and air pollution is increasing.
Another cause of the increasing rate of pollution in Jakarta is the lack of green open space (green space) city. Urban green space is part of the open spaces (open spaces) an urban area that is filled with plants, plants, and vegetation (endemic and introduced) to support the direct benefits and / or indirectly generated by the green space in cities, which are safety, comfort , prosperity, and beauty of urban areas. Urban green space has many functions, among which are a part of the air circulation system (lungs of the city), micro-climate control, shade, oxygen producers, absorbing rainwater, the provider of wildlife habitat, absorbing media pollutant of air, water and soil, as well as retaining wind. Lack of urban green space will result in a lack of ability of ecosystems to absorb pollution.
Based on the calculations of experts, extensive green space ideal city is at least 30 percent of the entire area of the city. This calculation has been adopted in Article 29 of Law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning. Unfortunately, with all its problems, Jakarta does not seem ideal to meet large urban green space in the near future. Until the year 2009, RTH Jakarta only 9 percent, while the green space plan in Jakarta in the year 2000-2010 is only set at 13.94 percent. The inability to Jakarta to meet the vast green space ideal city would have an impact on the worsening levels of pollution.
Poor levels of air pollution in Jakarta, causing many social problems for its residents. The main problem of course is a health problem. According to data from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, 46 percent in Jakarta diseases caused by air pollution, where the diseases are generally respiratory infections, asthma, and lung cancer. In addition to these diseases, the pollution is also potentially lead to physiological changes in humans, such as: weaken lung function and affect blood pressure.
Continued impact of the declining quality of public health is the increased cost for treatment. If a sick society, of course there will be a social burden on society that will affect the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). As an illustration, the cost to overcome the health problems caused by air pollution in 1998 reached Rp 1.8 trillion. If elevated levels of pollution are not also be prevented, those costs will continue to rise and could reach USD 4.3 trillion in 2015.
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Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Membuat Pas Bunga dan Tempat Pensil dari Botol Plastik

Ayo ajak orang banyak , kita bermain sambil memanfaatkan barang bekas yang masih bisa dipakai. Kali ini kita menggunakan bekas botol plastik atau gulungan tisu.
Bahan-bahan lain:

1) Lem kayu
2) Manik-manik atau pasir putih
3) Gunting
4) Hiasan tambahan seperti daun kering, biji-bijian, atau kertas berwarna-warni.

Cara membuat:

1. Potong botol plastik menggunakan gunting sesuai bentuk yang diinginkan. Untuk gulungan tisu, tutup salah satu sisinya yang berlubang dengan karton.
2. Olesi seluruh permukaannya dengan lem. Tempelkan pasir atau manik-manik di permukaannya.
3. Tambahkan hiasan seperti guntingan kertas, daun, biji-bijian, atau bunga kering. Wadah ini bisa dipakai sebagai tempat pensil atau vas.

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