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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Events Calendar'll fix Medical Education System

Sunday, October 24, 2010 3:03 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Director General Djoko Santoso said Higher Education, Ministry of National Education will fix the medical education system in Indonesia to conduct standardization in the field.
"As many as 70 institutions of medical education (IPD) do not have the same competency standards. Of the total of 16 IPD obtain accreditation rating of A, as many as 18 accredited B, and the rest of C. Even there are still in the process of accreditation as schools of medicine at the university still new, "he said after signing the contract Grant Program Competencies between colleges with Directorate General of Higher Kemdndiknas here on Saturday.
The signing of grant contracts obtained competency positive response from the Head of Health Human Resource Development and Empowerment Kemenkes Bambang Giatno R. MPH.
"Actually, already since 3 years ago there was a mechanism called the Indonesian Doctors Competency Test (UKDI) to be executed graduate of the Faculty of Medicine. Still grant program with the Directorate General of Higher competition can further accelerate the increase in the quality of Indonesian doctors," said Giatno.
Program funded by the World Bank loan is done with three schemes ie schemes A, B and C. Scheme A, an educational institution doctor (IPD) which has been accredited A should increase the internationalization of higher quality.
Scheme B, C or accredited IPD is not yet accredited must improve its quality. Scheme C, IPD accredited B must increase its accreditation to a warning that much higher.
Under the scheme grants competition, from 69 proposals IPD, IPD 42 selected those who should receive grants. As many as 10 incoming IPD scheme category A, 20 IPD for B and 12 IPD scheme to scheme C.
Recipients of the grants program competition that is improving the quality of medical education as much as 20 accredited schools of medicine with the rank C, 12 medical school accreditation ratings premises B and only 10 accredited schools of medicine with the rank of A.
"The fact that propulsive DGHE doctor tried to fix the education system by using the model of mentoring. Institutions of medical education which have been regarded as" well established ", the IPD will be the builder for the weak," said Director General of Higher Education.
Meanwhile, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran in Bandung Tri Hanggono Achmad hoped grant program that will expire in 2014 was followed by an increase in the ability of Indonesian doctors in medical science and technology to master the development of an advanced rapidly.
In line with Hanggono, Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association says doctors Prijo Sidipratomo Indonesia should be able to follow the times so there must be the same standards and competency of all medical faculties in Indonesia.

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