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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Action Rallies on Jalan Diponegoro colored Clash

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 17:09 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Clashes between the police again cracked demontran on Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat, exactly in front of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Wednesday (20/10).
Dozens demontran Family Alliance University of Bung Karno, BSI, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, STIMIK, and a number of other elements that hold a tire burning action, fight back when police wanted to dismantle.
The protesters take the fight by throwing rocks at officers. Feeling pressured, the police issued a warning shot, no doubt the masses scattered in different directions. There is the Way of Chemistry, Jalan Borobudur and several roads in the vicinity.
Until this story was written, the atmosphere around the site is still tense. Vehicle road users also can not cross into Dipenogoro Road. Police then divert the flow of traffic to Chemical Road and Jalan Borobudur.
Meanwhile, hundreds of police began to stand a few hundred yards in front of student demonstrators. Motorized police barricades and police trucks stand by to cover the road to dispel students. Bertameng police looked on guard at the back of police vehicles.
Up at 16.30 hrs, Jalan Diponegoro block action continues. The police also kept on alert. Due to road closure, a number of vehicles that would go toward Matraman or Cikini experiencing severe congestion. Though traffic has been diverted from the direction of HI rotate through Cikini.
While Kapolsek Menteng, Kompol Arsdo, the time of the incident was calming atmosphere, yet would comment. "Later well," he said briefly. (Ant)

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