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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Professor of UI: Doctors & Patients Indonesia Vs How Bourgeois Proletariat

Saturday, October 23, 2010 11:17 pm
urabaya (AFP)
Health services in Indonesia, like the phenomenon of "David versus Goliath" with patients as doctors like David and Goliath.
"David versus Goliath, the phenomenon of the small against the huge, proletarian versus bourgeoisie that never existed temunya point," said Prof Dr Herkutanto SH, LLM, professor of stay at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI), at Surabaya, East Java, Saturday .
In this phenomenon, patients and physicians to put forward the conflict and mistrust. "The truth of an event often ignored," said the expert witness cases versus RS Pritchard the Omni International.
Supposedly, he added, patients believe that doctors will work for the interests of patients, while physicians believe that patient faith cooperate.
He admitted many people are skeptical of the patient's relationship with a doctor like that. "This is what lead to the dilution of the ideal relationship between patient and physician," he said at the workshop Role of Partnership In Physician and Patient Relations For the Mass Media.
For that, he suggested, needed an effective communication between doctors and patients to avoid suspicion. "If patients are not able to communicate, talk with his family," he said.
Herkutanto argued that Law No. 29 of 2004 on Medical Practice principled provide protection to the public.
"If there is a violation of the principles that there are agencies that handle it themselves," said Chairman of the Disciplinary Panel of the Medical Officer of DKI Jakarta.
At the national level, the Medical Council of Indonesia (KKI) has an independent agency of the Honorary Board and the Discipline of Medicine, Indonesia (MKDKI). "MKDKI This is the main instrument for the protection of medical workers who are not professional," said Herkutanto.
MKDKI only handle public complaints against medical practice by doctors holder of Certificate of Registration (STR) issued KKI.
Every doctor who runs the action and medical practice must have a STR and license practices. Until now, KKI has issued at least 126 thousand STR.
"Not all scholars have graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, STR and SIP. For people who take action and medical practice without a completed STR and SIP may be subject to punishment for five years in prison and a fine of Rp300 million as stipulated in Law No. 29/2004," she said. (Ant)

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