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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Mentawai Earthquake Tremors Felt Up Padang

Monday, October 25, 2010 22:10 pm
Padang, (AFP)
An earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale (SR) that shook the Mentawai on Monday (25/10) seemed to Padang, West Sumatra. However, Reuters reporter Agus Wahyu, reported power was not too big shocks.
But so far not known damage or casualties from the turmoil which occurred at 21:42 pm it. Panic residents are also not so visible since the middle of the city of Padang rain.
The quake centered 78 miles south Mentawai Pagai has the potential tsunami. BMKG recorded depth of the quake only 10 kilometers. Residents asked to be alert.

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