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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Members of the Parliament sweeping mass BK to Greece at the Airport

Saturday, October 23, 2010 19:06 pm
Jakarta (AFP)
Honorary Board member of the House of Representatives departure to Greece in order to study the appeal, colored and rallies that took place in Terminal II, Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Saturday (23/10) afternoon.
Dozens of people intend to do a sweeping alliance to members who want to go BK comparative study of Greece.
Had been a police officer quarrels between the airport by demonstrators. Because according to airport police chief, Senior Commissioner Pol Tornagogo SIH in accordance with the law in 2009 at the airport there should be no demonstrations.
Although already waited some time, effort sweefing else in the undo. The reason is, until some time no one found a member of BK at the airport. Finally the mass was disbanded.
Earlier departure plan members are already reaping BK controversy. But BK persisted depart to Greece. Comparative studies to the Greek Parliament is spending budget of Rp 2.2 billion.

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